Protecting your files from unauthorized access, even by us, is the cornerstone of our platform. While we can never see the contents of any files you upload, there is certain information about your files that we do have access to. In an effort to be as transparent as possible, we list the information we store about each of your packages below.
This information is only stored by us so that we can measure your use of our system resources (disk space, bandwidth, etc) and provide you meaningful notifications when the people you authorize access your files. Under no circumstances is this information ever disclosed to any third party or used for anything else. For more information on our privacy practices, consult our Privacy Policy.
The specific meta-data attributes about each package that we store are listed below. This information can be viewed by you at any time from the Activity History and Package Status pages within the site. For organizations that use SendSafely, this information is also accessible by your organization's authorized SendSafely administrators.
- File Meta Data - We store the file name and size of each file that is uploaded in a package
- Recipient Information: We store the email address and mobile phone number (if SMS authentication is used) for each recipient
- Download Information: Every time a recipient downloads a file, we store the date/time of access and their source IP address
- Package Creation Time and Expiration Time: The date and time the package was created and expires
- Package Description: The optional description you provide for the package
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