Workspace Owners can now leverage SendSafely's Enterprise Contact groups to easily add and manage groups of users on Workspaces.
Enterprise Contact groups are lists of user emails created and managed by SendSafely Admins from the Enterprise Console. The groups can contain both internal registered users and external guests and once created, are available to all Workspace Owners and Managers to add to Workspaces.
Workspace Owners and Managers add an Enterprise Contact group to a Workspace by typing the Group name in the Add Collaborator input box.
Once the contact group is added, the group role can be updated to viewer, limited contributor or contributor. Every member of the contact group receives the same role.
Contact groups are sorted to the top of the Workspace Collaborator listing. As individual group members access the Workspace, an individual collaborator record is created in the user list. If a contact group member is not displayed in the Collaborator list, this means they have not yet accessed the Workspace.
Contact groups can be removed by clicking the X next to the role. This will remove the contact group from the Workspace as well as any group members who have accessed the Workspace and have individual collaborator records.
Contact group membership is managed by SendSafely Admins from the Enterprise Console. Workspace Owners and Managers are unable to edit group membership from the Workspace itself. As members of the contact group are added or removed from the Enteprise Console, their access to the Workspace is added/removed concurrently.
If a collaborator has been added to a Workspace multiple times (for example, the collaborator is a member of two or more contact groups) the highest permission will be granted. Therefore if the collaborator is a member of one group with Viewer role and a second group with Contributor role, the Contributor role will be granted.
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